Six Tips for Skype Interview Success

While there is no substitute for an in-person meeting, video interviewing via Skype is the next best thing to being there. The prospective employer is able to gain more insights into the candidate than would be the case with a typical phone screen and the candidate, if properly prepared, can shine in the Skype spotlight. In order to facilitate the best possible outcome, we’ve prepared the following six tips for Skype interview success.

1. Get Your Tech Straight

Be sure to familiarize yourself with the Skype application and related technology before engaging in a remote interview. Included in said process of familiarization is:

  • Skype application and profile set-up
  • Testing and/or calibration of your device (PC, Mac, iPad)  camera and microphone through a Skype Echo / Sound Test
  • Checking the quality / speed of your Internet connection
  • Double-checking your power source

In the case of the microphone, leveraging the built-in device microphone is preferred to strapping on a headset. Prepare for a Skype interview as if it were an in-person is your best bet and you’d certainly never walk into a conference room with a headset firmly wrapped around your coconut, right?

Basic technology management is a key aspect of virtually every professional discipline today. As such, you don’t want to create the perception that you are tech illiterate by fumbling and stumbling with your laptop or iPad during an interview.

2. Set the Stage

Setting the stage for a successful Skype interview involves several steps:

  • Check camera angles in order to make that you are framed in a professional background. Not unlike when you are selling a house, it always pays to spend a little extra time organizing your workspace and “staging” the room / background scene in which you will appear on camera.
  • Test those light sources, natural, artificial or a combination, that will illuminate your presence on camera. You want to be the star of the show but avoid over or under-lighting that will result in your not looking your best.
  • Make arrangements in advance to ensure that there is “quiet on the set”. If you are in the office, which is not really the best idea but may be necessary, plan ahead in order to guarantee privacy and confidentiality. If you are at home, be sure to settle any children or pets in another room and schedule the lawn maintenance crew for another day.
  • If you are unable to properly set the stage at your own place, don’t hesitate to ask a friend or family member if you can borrow a more suitable room or office.

3. Dress the Part

It seems a simple enough instruction, but we’ve been amazed at some of the mistakes that have been made by those interviewing via Skype for the first time.

  • Do some research in order to get a sense for the organization’s culture. Dress expectations will obviously vary if you are interviewing for a Wall Street account management role vs. that of a graphic designer at a small, informal ad agency. Having said that, err on the side of conservatism and skip the “Save Ferris” t-shirt in favor of a dress shirt and jacket.
  • Put some pants on! You think we jest, but oftentimes candidates assume that they’ll not be seen below the desk and will wear shorts, sweats or another form of inappropriate attire. Dress, from head to toe, as if you were attending an in-person. When you have to get up to retrieve a document, you’ll thank us.
  • Don’t wait until its showtime before checking out your look on camera. That’s why we recommend dress rehearsals.

4. Practice Makes Perfect

Speaking of dress rehearsals, don’t engage in a Skype interview without one.

  • If at all possible, practice with a friend or family member who is capable of providing constructive criticism.
  • Make sure that you are using the right tone and leveraging the all-important non-verbal communication skills to your advantage.
  • Review the job description, roster of attendees and your CV in preparing to answer potential questions.

5. Cheat Sheet

Speaking of reviewing materials, a Skype video interview (unlike an in-person) affords you the opportunity to have a small number of reference materials within your line of sight (but not that of the camera). We certainly wouldn’t recommend looking away from the camera with regularity, but the occasional subtle peek might prove helpful.

6. Engage Your Audience

Technically speaking, you’ll be viewed two-dimensionally but you’ll want to have your personality pop off the screen. How so? By being a good listener, by actively participating, by maintaining eye contact and by engaging audience members in a verbal and non-verbal interaction that leaves them asking, “When can you start?”.

We hope that the Six Tips for Skype Interview Success prove useful to you. As always, we wish you the best of luck with your professional endeavors.