As of June 2013, LinkedIn reports more than 225 million acquired users in more than 200 countries and territories. So, how do you plan stand out in that particular haystack? If that weren’t enough to cause you pause, consider the findings of a recent Bullhorn survey of 160,000 recruiters that indicate 97% of recruiters use […]
Six Tips for Skype Interview Success
While there is no substitute for an in-person meeting, video interviewing via Skype is the next best thing to being there. The prospective employer is able to gain more insights into the candidate than would be the case with a typical phone screen and the candidate, if properly prepared, can shine in the Skype spotlight. […]
What is a Contained Search?
Just the other day, we were asked to define a “contained” search by a prospective client. As always, we want to share key information such as this with the entire community. What is a Contained Search? A “contained” search represents a hybrid blend of a traditional contingency search (total fee collected only after placement of […]
Heads of E-Commerce Top Holiday Wish Lists
What’s the hottest thing on retailers’ Christmas lists this year? Heads of e-commerce. Recruiters say they’re spending a lot of their time turning up executives who can build and manage websites, handle increasingly complex inventory management, and unsnarl the logistical problems that come with developing a new sales channel. The moves are being spurred by […]
11 Mistakes to Avoid on Your Digital Marketing Resume
The following represents an excellent compilation of current career tips for experienced and/or aspiring digital marketers produced by Bethany Simpson at iMedia Connection. Contributors to the “steeped in realities” piece include Paul Rhyu – senior vice president of digital media and marketing operations at Apollo Group / University of Phoenix, Susan MacDermid – president of dmg […]
Your Résumé: Making it Past the Matrix
FACT: You are the perfect fit for a job posted online by your dream company, but if your résumé can’t get past the applicant tracking system, it might never be seen by human eyes. So, what’s a candidate to do? Résumé keywords are the phrases in a résumé that HR screeners, recruiters, hiring managers and, […]